Case Study
Real-Time Data Analysis
Palm Beach TPA
Project Overview
Palm Beach TPA subcontracted Urban SDK to automate a corridor analysis, data collection, and data sharing API for its Okeechobee Blvd and SR 7 corridor. Doing so enabled the planning agency to instantly discover corridor conditions and needs relating to safety, persons movement from all modes, and general demographic/development conditions of the surrounding area.
In working with Palm Beach TPA, Urban SDK created a dashboard that allowed quick summation of corridor needs. The dashboard
provided insight to common planning products produced by the TPA, including safety analysis, speed limit analysis that includes 85th percentile speed, congestion mitigation, lane repurposing candidates, travel patterns, and common socioeconomic data important to transportation. As a result, TPA officials spent less time gathering data and more on stakeholder visioning and transportation planning. to track incidents by location, volume, incident type(s), date or time period.
Travel patterns
Origin-destination, inflow, and outflow, bike and pedestrian movements
Safety reporting
Crashes by mode, type, severity, and age; predictive forecasts; incident management duration
Vehicle data
Traffic counts, turn counts, truck counts, travel time reliability, LOS of roadways and intersections, including bottlenecks
Demographics visualization
Population and employment, race and ethnicity, households without automobiles, poverty, mode choice splits
Demographics visualization
Food deserts, diagnosed with diabetes by age group, asthma rates by age group, depression, high blood pressure/hypertension
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Case Studies
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Traffic Speed
This is the default text value
Hourly traffic speed data and metrics from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources on all your roads.

Travel Time & Reliability
This is the default text value
Daily, Monthly travel time and reliability data with congestion metrics from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources on all your roads.

Traffic Volume
This is the default text value
Expand permanent traffic counts with vehicle telematic and GPS data sources to map annual traffic volumes estimates on local roads.
Traffic Speed
Hourly traffic speed data and metrics from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources on all your roads.
Travel Time & Reliability
Daily, Monthly travel time and reliability data with congestion metrics from vehicle telematic and GPS data sources on all your roads.
Traffic Volume
Expand permanent traffic counts with vehicle telematic and GPS data sources to map annual traffic volumes estimates on local roads.