First Coast Well-Being Index: Educational Attainment

First Coast Well-Being Index: Educational Attainment

As part of the Northeast Florida Regional Council's (NEFRAC) 2022 First Coast Well Being Index, Smart North Florida (SNFL) analyzed a series of indicators related to Educational Attainment for the Northeast Florida Region.

To further explore the wellness of North Florida, students expanded the Well Being Index to educational attainment.

In this map, SNFL students analyzed socioeconomic indicators linked to education.

These indicators included income levels, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients, and poverty levels.

To gain a feel for student access to resources such as libraries, SNFL analyzed the location of schools in comparison to library locations.

The efforts of Smart North Florida students, and partnership with NEFRAC, a foundational layer for a Well Being Index in North Florida has been created. These will continue to be ongoing efforts in subsequent semesters.

The heat map function in the Urban SDK Studio helps to highlight regions of Northeast Florida that contain high levels of poverty. In the map above, the poverty levels are highest in the downtown area of Duval County, FL. 

About Smart North Florida

Smart North Florida (SNFL) started as an outgrowth of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO) Intelligent Transportation Systems program for Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns counties. Their mission is to harness the power of regional collaboration, coordinated data, and smart technologies to improve North Florida’s economic competitiveness, sustainability and quality of life.

As such, Smart North Florida focuses resource investment in three areas — regional collaboration, data coordination, and smart technology — ensuring that investments are strategically deployed to improve the lives of all citizens in their region. Through integrating these three key values, SNFL efforts result in better policy making, economic competitiveness, opportunity, transparency, and sustainability for all who call North Florida home. 

Throughout 2022, SNFL has partnered with other regional organizations to put their mission to work. Utilizing the power of Urban SDK, and the young minds of University of Florida Association of Information Systems graduate students, a regional collaboration of modern thinkers have taken its course. The students have made headway in creating a smarter, data-driven region through four projects.

About Urban SDK

A global leader in mobility analytics and data visualization, Urban SDK is the only enterprise data analytics platform that equips professionals with the urban planning data needed to make efficient, data-driven planning decisions.

We provide organizations with clean data pipelines, automated performance reporting, and an on-demand repository of data that can be accessed and visualized in our GIS mapping Studio. Urban SDK customers trust in and use our platform to build safer, more efficient, equitable, and sustainable infrastructure.

Learn more about how Urban SDK can help your organization make informed decisions using critical data. Contact our team here.

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